Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It is all so WORTH IT!!!

So it’s Monday morning, the day after our fun-filled party every night 4th of July wknd! So you know HOW tired I am!!! I wake up dreading the start of my day…gotta get up, iron 3 sets of clothes, shower, do my make-up, hair, pack 2 lunches, wake the girls, dress them, feed them, fuss w/ them, load them in the car & FINALLY on the road ALL the way to HB. Stop at the sitters and drop off Jaelle & of course I have to lug that heavy @ss baby carrier with her in it along with her diaper bag (the cause of my Tendinitis) & then visit/small talk with the sitter for a bit and STILL have to drive another 7 minutes further to drop Jaeya off at the Boys & Girls Club. Mind you, all the while I’m bitchn & moaning to myself that I can’t wait til they are both old enough for me to just drop them off at one location, pull up in the Handicap zone, tell them hurry up bc Mommy’s late to work & shoo them out the car with a hug, kiss & a “BE GOOD or else I will smack you!” (all who know me know that’s my line to my Jaeya when she’s actin up, of course I never follow through haha) I park, open princess Jaeya’s door, that’s what I call her bc she’s so tired & lazy in the morning to do ANYTHING by herself, grab her back pack for her & fight with her bc she wants to bring her blanket in w/ her & I yell at her NO bc it’s going to get all dirty & who know‘s what stank kid will try to sit on it with her..so NO!!!. (and yes this is an EVERY morning argument.) I proceed to walk her in & tell her no I didn’t leave any snack money in her bag as we pass the vending machines filled w/ nothing but junk food… check her in at the front… walk her in & set her backpack in a cubby…kiss my baby tell her be good & have a nice day. I’m walking out w/ a breath of YES all I have to do now is make it another 10 minutes to work…groove to my jams & all the morning hustle & bustle of dropping off is all done…then when I get to work I’ll be all good for an hour til the Big Dawgs get in. YES!!! So as I’m cheesin jumping in my ride… I reverse… hit drive and as I roll passed this car in the Handicapped parking w/ a mom, a daughter who looks around 12 & her son around 7… I see them jumping out & the mom yelling “don’t forget this & don’t forget that… be good… come back & give me a kiss”…the older daughter says “Oh mom stop it”, slams the door & walks away w/ out a kiss…her son races out the car, slams the door & runs to the entrance all so that he doesn’t get stuck having to kiss his mom either. I didn’t stay to see the mom’s face bc I already thought No way that’s so F*cked up!!! So I’m sure you already know what my thoughts were the whole 10 minutes into work …. All this wishing the time away & for my lil babies to be all grown up is SO OUT THE DOOR!!! It makes me cherish their innocence & the fact that they need me! That in fact, I DO LOVE every second I am with them whether it’s changing Jaelle’s stinky diaper, fighting w/ Jaeya bc of her stank attitude or rolling around with them on the floor laughing & giggling. I LOVE MY BABIES AND wish I can slow down every moment I have w/ them bc I know time will go fast & they will be that 12 & 7 year old, but I guarantee you that they WILL hug & kiss their mommy good-bye. I’ll make sure to be their friend. Mother and someone they will never run away from!!! Isn’t it funny how these lil reminders make you appreciate how GOOD your life really is & how the everyday hustle and bustle is so WORTH IT and has meaning? All this just makes me appreciate all the small things so much more!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah girl, enjoy every minute of it!! Before you know it they'll be ditchin you to hang out with their boyfriends on 4th of July...ugghhh!!!!!!!!!
