Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have the Art, the Talent, the Skills, the Vision, but in WHAT??? Lately I've been asking myself "How come I don't have a hobby?" "WHAT are my interests?" and "Have you lost yourself?" I used to pride myself in the fact that I was so driven & determined to make something of myself. I was like the wind, always changing courses…wherever it took me is where I ended up. I've had many jobs, have lived in 7 different cities & had many different room mates...that's a whole Blog in itself!! haha

My LOVE is Fashion...I've tried my hand in Fashion Merchandising recv’d my AA after 2 yrs at Brooks. I worked at a lil boutique in Corona & pretty much ran it from open to close, inventory, visuals & the books. The owners were so cheap & only allowed one employee to work each day so our days were loooong. I then did the windows at Rampage at Del Amo mall for about a year & LOVED seeing my own vision displayed up there for everyone to see. I mean ya it's ONLY a display & it's ONLY clothes & ONLY accessories, but how many times have you seen an ensemble that you would've never thought to put together??? You walk right up in there to find every single piece!! haha So those lil things made me proud! Eventually I found that the whole NO set schedule thing was not for me. Plus it really didn’t pay the bills…school loans, car payment, insurance & an apt w/ 2 high school buddies all at 18...just wasn't working?!?!

I needed to find something a lil more stable. So thanks to Eddie he introduced me to the car business. I did everything from reception, service, inventory, DMV, I fell in l LOVE w/ cars!!! I was THIS close to trying Sales. Could you Imagine??? So NOT me!! lol I’ve experienced every make out there Chrysler, Hyundai, Jeep, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Audi, Porsche, Rolls Royce & Bentley. Yes, I worked at a Rolls Royce & Bentley dealer in Newport Beach. I met some famous ppl, rich ppl, snobby ppl & some Philthy McNasty ppl. I shit you not…there was this old guy that picked up his car w/ a DL that said Philthy McNasty! Of course, you know me, I had to call him out on it & say “are you serious?” He didn’t get offended bc being an ex “PORN STAR" he likes telling his story & receiving attention from a cute lil young chick. (that’s me in case you didn’t pick that up. lol) I guess when you have $$$ you can get such things?!?! haha

Anyway, I now work for an Oil company in Accounting. I've been here for 8 yrs & I do like the company & the ppl. I have met some wonderful-crazy ppl & some are even my Side Kicks for life!!! The company has been VERY good to me so I can't complain. I've learned a lot here, I love numbers & I know I'm here for the long haul. But i can't help but feel that there's something else out there that I'm missing. Something fun, creative, a hobby...something besides work & family?!?!

I've made a million excuses. Oh I have kids, I'm married now so I have no time, too many other responsibilities I have to take care of, or no money (that is a huge factor though). But more & more as I try to figure out these feelings, I remind myself that it's ONLY YOU that can make these things happen for yourself. I wouldn't change any part of my life to accomplish what I'm in search of, but only to add to all the BEAUTIFUL things that I have already been BLESSED with.

After all the excuses I've realized what it is I'm missing. It's funny how after all these years...some 15 yrs later my passion & interests are still the same. I still wonder how far I would've gotten if I pursued fashion...if I stuck it out through those crazy hours & schedules. It's funny how growing up & making that $$$ took priority over doing what you love. I do know what my passion is & how to reach it! I just need to wake up with My own cup of Joe I call MOTIVATION!!! Oh ya & scrounge up some dough to get me there!!! hahaha Of course it would just be my hobby for now. Which is more than enough to make this Roni HAPPY!!! So I leave you w/ these Motivational Quotes! =)

"Don't see others as doing better than you. Beat your own records daily because success is a fight between you and yourself." Mohammad Monis

" You can't change what you have started, but you can change the direction you are going. It's not what you are going to do, but it's what you're doing now that counts."Napoleon Hill

" Courage is reclaiming your life after a devastating event robs you of your confidence and self-esteem. It is facing tomorrow with a firm resolve to reach deep within yourself to find another strength, another talent. It is taking yourself to another level of your own existence where you are once again whole, productive, special."Catherine Brit

" Once you become aware of what stands in your way and become willing to release it, you signal the universe that you are ready to manifest the life you were meant to live."Chérie Carter-Scott

" I am what I am today because I worked hard yesterday."Larispique Philidor

" Only the wise can dance the melody of life. We have to believe that bad things will happen to us and good things will also happen to us. Believe in yourself, believe in your own power and in your own potential and dance the melody of life

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS!!! i so feel you on ALL OF THAT.
